Thread: Staff Room Fire
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Old 09-30-2008, 10:52 PM   #25 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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When Kapoor finally made his way down to the staff room he was carrying a sandwich and thumbing through a pamphlet on the history of Muggle humour. 'Interesting!' He'd've never thought that felines could be Oh, those imaginative Muggles. Finishing the last bit of his sandwich and pocketing the pamphlet, he took out his wand and did a quick cleansing charm on his hands and of course on the front of his clothing for he was covered in crumbs.

He scanned the room and was delighted to see some, as of recently, familiar faces such as Madame Kohan and Professor Pierce. "Ladies,", he said, greeting them. "So glad you're going to play. Uhm,...", he cleared his throat. "You will remember to show a little mercy on an old man, my game is not at all like it used to be."

Kapoor gestured towards the table and with his wand, untucked a chair for Alexandria, between Brooks and empty seats.

Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox View Post
Antonio stopped into the staff room to see what it looked like and was surprised to see a large group of his fellow professors already there, apparently engaged in a card game. He had heard them talking about playing cards at the staff table, it made sense that the games would go on here. He smiled politely at the group, not wanting to interrupt, he didn't know the others that well and didn't want to interfere. "How's it going?", he asked the group.
Kapoor spotted Professor Dumont and gave him a pat on the back. "Glad you could join us, Antonio."

Last edited by SlytherinSistah; 10-01-2008 at 03:00 AM.
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