Thread: Starting Anew
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Old 07-08-2004, 02:15 AM   #374 (permalink)
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"Yeah, well, I's da 'Embassadeer o' Peace an' Happiness.' If you got a problem, I wanna help. And b'sides, dis James fella...He seems like a real loser ta me, doncha think? He's not gonna help nothin." Jake said. He was so busy talking, he didn't notice the rose, and if he had, he would've assumed it had something to do with himself anyway.

James retired to his room. Jake had chosen the wrong time to show up. But then...why had he chosen to show up at all? James vaguely remembered something about Piperel owing him rum...had he really gone to all the trouble of finding the Order, just over a few bottles of alchohol?
Well, James thought, as long as Shannon didn't start making out with Jake or anything, he couldn't complain.

ooc: well, at least James didn't say that out loud...anyone here know Legimi-whatsit? That last thought was too nasty not to share...
baptized into Seventh-Day Adventist church 6.17.06
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