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Hmm... house points hourglass. How in heaven's name did he end up here? He could have sworn he'd gone DOWN some stairs. The dungeons were down and that's where he'd set up his office. Now, why couldn't he find it again? It was first year all over again! Professor Bontecou groaned and looked around, wondering when someone would come along so he could ask for directions... or better yet, an escort.
Lucas had on his green hardhat with a small light attached at the top and it was on as he walked the darkened corridors just exploring. He had a pencil and a journal to record all the fun things he found. He was watching a slow moving warm with little legs and a fuzzy body when he came upon a Professor who seemed to be lost. Lucas switched off the light on his hat as he walked over to him. He pulled on his robes to get his attention.
"Um excuse me sir." he said timidly.
"Are you lost?" He asked.