Found a post or two that just ABSOLUTELY needs to be shown off to the world? Is it too funny to leave unnoticed or absolutely wonderful for a good giggle? How about a truly memorable event that needs to be saved? Well then, you've come to the right place!
This is the Quotable Quips thread, a place in SS Hogwarts Haven made just for keeping the events/posts that are just too good to lose. Of course, as all good threads go, there are a couple of rules:
Please remember to abide by the following guidelines or your posts may be deleted.
1. All quotes must come from the School RPG. In the case of students being RPed outside the School RPG, they can still be quoted, just so long as it is the student characters. No KA, DA, MoM character quotations here, please.
2. Post only quotes. Comments can be submitted in the chat thread or via private message/visitor messages.
3. In the event that something memorable occurs and it is either a large body of text (more than 6/7 sentences) or a collaboration of multiple posts by multiple people, then please submit it under a textcut*.
textcuts: can be achieved by typing in the following:
[textcut=type something here]place what you wish to share here[*/textcut]
[ - ] remember to remove the *! Example:
Have fun!