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His eyes twinkled. "Yeah, Irial's definately brave,"
Too brave as a matter of fact, Travis thought angrily.
You just had to go fight off in that war didn't you, Irial??
"I shouldn't have lost sight of her. Caitlin was right next to me and suddenly...she wasn't," he frowned and then nodded. "Yeah, Caitlin got the news from...Gabriel and she told me. If-When Irial gets better, Gabriel will let us know."
Or else.
"I'd half a mind to go after Irial," he gave Melinda a tiny smile. "But I couldn't leave Caitin. And...I know Irial would be extremely angry." Travis remembered Irial's temper and he tried not to drown in sadness at the memories.
ooc: I have to go now!
Love ya!
"Yeah...don't miss anything...about her. She's your friend as she is mine...and I will help you...if you need any...ok?" Melinda assured with a firm nod. She smiled and listened to Travis word by word.
"No, do never leave her...you promised...and that's a Gryffindor word..." She told him and smiled.
ooc. ok. thanks.