Originally Posted by
JazzyJay Penny thought for a few minutes, then she started to laugh. "There was this one prof. that Mads did not like. And he did some sort of spell that made the prof.'s bum stick to the desk when he sat on it." she said with a snicker.
She started to laugh hard.
"Really? Well that is pretty cool." She shook her head.
"I want to try that sometime." She had no idea what spell to use for that one, but she was sure that Mads would tell her.
Originally Posted by
mathi "Yes he's, way too much.." she let out a sigh. He did meet him one or two times here and there. But not really got the chance to spend some time with him. She was very confident about that this term. She would not lose any slim chance to do that.
Ella's attention went back to Diana who was calmly eating and talking with others. Did she chuckle??! Or just it was me? She leaned to her, "He's taking Ancient Runes. And I heard hell a lot of good thing about him." she nodded, "And I've met him twice or thrice times. He's such a nice person."
When the other girl talked about the Prof. she asked, "Wh..at? did he really?" she gasped. "what made him to do like that to that nice person?" she wondered if there's any possiblility, prof. Fabian could do anything harmful to any students!.
She laughed and waved her hand in front of Ella's face.
"Hello? Are you in there?" She was so amused by her friend's obvious liking of Fabian.
Originally Posted by RoRo
"Tee hee," Rapunzel giggled along with Lima. "And you are my McShiftyMcAwesomeMcTwin," she managed to say betwixt giggles. "A better name...than McManicure?" Punz stopped laughing and scratched her blond head. "Mc...what?" she really couldn't think of anything. Geez. Perhaps she didn't know Lima's boyfriend as well as she thought she did.
She pumped her fist in the air dramatically and said,
"McBolicalandMcShiftyMcAwesomeMcTwinsforLife!" in one breath. Then continuing to giggle she added,
"well, there are some possibilities, but I dunno how he'd like them." She winked and then shook her head amusedly.