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Old 09-28-2008, 04:11 PM   #494 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: May 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zara H. Bunbury-Foster
Fifth Year
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

Originally Posted by hermy_weasley View Post
She broke out into hysterics. OMG she loved this girl! Snorting she said, "McBolical one, you are McHilarious, McEvil and McCrafty all wrapped up into this amazing, buttery ball of SlytherPuff awesomeness! " Giving Mads a McBolical name... Awesome!! "McManicure is a possibility, but I'm sure that there are other, better fitting ones out there." She bit her lip in thought. McSnog...
"Tee hee," Rapunzel giggled along with Lima. "And you are my McShiftyMcAwesomeMcTwin," she managed to say betwixt giggles. "A better name...than McManicure?" Punz stopped laughing and scratched her blond head. "Mc...what?" she really couldn't think of anything. Geez. Perhaps she didn't know Lima's boyfriend as well as she thought she did.

Originally Posted by Linda Hagrid View Post
Rapunzel's voice turned him back to her attention. Long hair, eh? Could have figured that one out for myself, Sam thought smirking. Squib. Must have been though for her dad. Sam was absolutely sure it would have been for him-especially since magic was about the only thing he had left to tie his mother to himself. Sure he still had the pictures-the videos. But none of that changed the fact that she didn't live to see his first birthday, and he never got a chance to know what she was really like.

Rapunzel's voice pulled him out of his reverie for the umpteenth time, he really needed to stop spacing out like that. Listening to her Sam couldn't help but burst into uncontrolled laughter. "Mister McMan, at your service!" Hmmm...the nickname didn't take long! Sam could help but smirk at the girl, she really made him feel like he was fourteen again-which might be a bad thing but who really cared? There was time to be serious after all!

He turned his head as Nzel mentioned his name once again, and he looked across at another girl he hadn't met yet. He followed the energized introduction with a smirk and a, "Hi!"

Well....that's not weird at all... Sam thought as Ella grabbed Nzel's head and went...diving.
"McMan, right-o," Punz almost sang, still giggling a little. She noticed him looking at Lima - probably wondering why they were laughing so hard. "Oh, this is Lima Bean, by the way, but she prefers to go by the name of McShifty....." She raised her eyebrows sneakily and prodded Lima to introduce herself. After all, Rapunzel would probably stumble all over Lima's long name....with all those w's....

Originally Posted by mathi View Post
Ella caught Zel's words. She never wanted to scare her friend and she did like her poltergiest idea better than the Vampire costumes now. There was a only a small differences between the two after all. "Okay..I got your point.." she winked back, couldnt help but laugh at her next comment. "'s a valid point. How can I miss those yummy stuffs just 'cuz of those creepy vampire costumes? Never.." she said more to herself than her.
"do you have any idea of your own costume on that day?" asked in curiosity. Suddenly a thought popped up in her mind. She pulled Zel's head near under the table and asked, "Ready for some prank?"
Punzel turned to Ella now, still smirking a bit - after all, it was good to make her friend see her point. "An idea for me? Err....well....." she was about to think of something when Ella suddenly yanked Punzel's head under the table. Whaaaaat?

"Oh, a prank, right," Punz whispered from under the table. "What are we doing? And why under the table?!"

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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