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Rapunzel stared Ella down, sticking her lower lip out a little. "I didn't say I was scared of Vampires, I just said they were scary. You know....in general..." she said slowly, trying to make it sound believable.
The truth was....Ella as a vampire would be both hilarious AND frigthening. "And while those things may be 'fun' for a little while," Punz continued stiffly, "you wouldn't be able to enjoy real, regular food...like butter and bananas and butterbeer and stuff. So yeah." She nodded once, real briefly, and then turned back to Sam.
Ella caught Zel's words. She never wanted to scare her friend and she did like her poltergiest idea better than the Vampire costumes now. There was a only a small differences between the two after all.
"Okay..I got your point.." she winked back, couldnt help but laugh at her next comment.
"bwahaha...it's a valid point. How can I miss those yummy stuffs just 'cuz of those creepy vampire costumes? Never.." she said more to herself than her.
"do you have any idea of your own costume on that day?" asked in curiosity. Suddenly a thought popped up in her mind. She pulled Zel's head near under the table and asked,
"Ready for some prank?" Quote:
Originally Posted by
This one was a lot better," she said chuckling. And it tasted good. "There is plenty more where that came from. don't stop." She smirked.
Ella laughed,
"I know dear!" she sent a row of cherries to her friend. Some of them are well aimed, some failed.
"So do you have any plan for this term Lima?" she asked, tucked one cherry into her mouth.