Originally Posted by
He sighed when the girl apparently took noticed of his constrained amusement at the situation. He might have responded, but she already seemed quite distracted by too many other students and thus it wasn't worth the effort to respond. So Dominic returned back to looking at curly boy.
Ella rolled her eyes at the other boy who was also perfectly fit in the Weird or Strange or whatever the other name wouldbe, group of boys. She wondered as she was thinking of their innocense about girls. How could they learn or know about girls if they're not willing to move or even talk with them?! But apparantly it was not her job. So She moved from the place, not looking back unitll she reached her place.
Originally Posted by
BanaBatGirl "Nooo it wouldn't," Punz waved her hand around. "Your pranky attitude would go wonderfully with, say, a POLTERGEIST costume!" Yeah! "Vampires are just scary, ya know." She nodded seriously. Punz was not in Gryffindor for a reason.
"Butterflies! I knew it! It has the word butter innit!" Aha, wasn't Rapunzel a secret diabolical genius? Heck yes she was.
"Pics....you know...pictures...proof...evidence..." things he probably already destroyed, sadly....
"Poltergiest??!" Ella almost went to the hysterical laugh.
Oh Goodness! Zel was absolutely hilarious. She leaned over to whisper in her ear, "dont worry. I wont scare you." she said with a chuckle but wondered about her freak out of Vampire outfits.
"Those long sharp teeth and knifey nails would be fun.." she winked, hoping that Zel would not get scared again.