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Piper was stunned again as a fellow Gryffindor said hello to her. Her sister hadn't mentioned people were this nice. "H..Hi." She said stuttering. "I..I am Piper Snow, it is nice to meet you Anna.." She managed to get out without blushing horribly.
Hannah saw the new girl - Piper, she thought her name was - sitting with what could only be described as a terrified look on her face. She gathered that she was pretty shy from what she had overheard from her fellow Gryffindors' conversations with her. "Hey," she said with a smile. "I'm Hannah, Hannah Weasley. I'm sorry, I wasn't meaning to eavesdrop, but I heard you saying that you had just transferred here and all that stuff. Well, I know I'm only a second-year, but I came in super-late to last term, and even though I didn't know ANYBODY I felt at home right away. This house is awesome. And you can always hang out with me," she grinned. "And don't worry, we're all super-nice here. There really aren't that many people who aren't totally great. I promise you'll love it here." she tried to reassure the girl. She'd been in her place before and knew how it felt. She blushed a bit. "I'm sorry... sometimes I tend to talk, like, a lot. I try to tone it down, but it's hard." She smiled sheepishly. She hoped she wasn't intimidating the girl. She definitely seemed like the type of person Hannah would like to be friends with.