Originally Posted by
nicole black Chad nodded at her words, he'd been right about Kaika then. She was very perceptive from what he could tell, not to mention that she was nice and had opened up to him easily.
The young man ruffled his hair again and looked up at the ceiling in awe before saying, "Thank you... I can't wait for classes to start. I'm taking two extra one's this year" Chad said, grabbing a goblet from the table and filling it with butterbeer,
"I picked Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures.. What about you?" Chad asked, Taking a sip of his drink and turning his face back to look at Kaika.
Chad laughed at the joke. Only pauseing for a second to think about what his brothers had told him. About their respective Sorting. The Sorting hat had taken a bit of time on each of them. But, when he thought about his mother he remembered that she had been placed in Ravenclaw almost at once.
"Well.. It varies.. My mother took no time at all, my brother Vincent took nearly three mintutes to place and my oldest brother Adam took about thirty seconds to be put in Gryffindor.
"I think my father was pretty quickly done as well.. As for me, as for me well. You saw how quickly that took, I don't think I was up there even ten seconds before it shouted Ravenclaw."
"What about you Kaika? How long did it take for the sorting hat to place you?" Chad asked his curiosity getting the better of him as useful.
She smiled,
"Neither can I" she said, even if it classes were so close,
"I'm personally looking forward to the try outs, I'm really crossing my fingers so I can get on the team again" she said, as she crossed the fingers on her right hand. Quidditch, that was very important to her.
"Right, you're in your third year" a few locks of her hair made their way to her face as she nodded, but pulled them back just as quick,
"Ummm, last year, I took Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy, alongside Muggle Studies, so I think I'll be taking those this term also" yep, she loved Arithmancy, so that was one she'll be seeing for sure, and she loved all creatures in general, so CoMC was a must. She wasn't that sure of Muggle Studies.
She laughed,
"It was very fast for me, a few seconds top" Kaika smiled,
"It was different for my father, though, the Hat took over 5 minutes to place him in Hufflepuff" yeah, she remembered that story,
"Grandpa was also a Huffie, but grandma was a Gryffie, and uncle Lex, well, he went to Durmstrang" she didn't notice she was now babbling about her family history until now, and decided to stop.
Kaika looked over at the Staff table and then back at Chad,
"Will you be trying out for Quidditch?" she asked, her eyes scanning his face for an early answer, but she didn't notice a change.