Lizzie kept watching Rosa for some time, to make sure she didn't fall again. She saw the expression on Rosa's face, and that was exactly what she felt like. "Surely I hope the prefects will show us the way to our commonroom, how else would we find it? I just though, one of you might know what it's like.. Never mind though." She looked at Maggie and Kairi with a smile "I've just tried those cookies, they're awsome. That's so cool Kairi, how did you know Maggie ate those particular ones?" Impressed she watched Kairi. "You know I will also always be there to help you and Rosa, if you ever want or need it" she added with a smile. ooc: I've gotta go, I'm gonna meet some friends. But I'll see you again soon, nice RPing with you all <3 Sorry I haven't been so participating today, have a lot of homework that's gotta be done..
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