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Ms. Diggory Kaika felt a tap on her shoulder, and decided that the words spoken before that were meant for her. She turned and saw the boy she'd met at Diagon Alley. "Chad!" she exclaimed, and stood up to give him a hug, "Wow, you're in Ravenclaw" she said, looking at his robes, "That's awesome!" or not, considering she'd always preferred Hufflepuff, but at least he wasn't in Slytherin.
"Isn't Hogwarts just perfect?" she sighed, looking around the Great Hall, there was no possible way for him to understand how much she liked to have Hogwarts back, "So, are you glad you turned out to belong in Ravenclaw?" she asked, a bit curious about it.
Chad laughed slightly as the young women hugged him, but then felt sort've embarresed by it... Not that the hug wasn't nice. Altough he did wish it hadn't been infront of everyone.
"Yep... Guess that means I've gotta have something in this thing" Chad said, knocking on his head as Kaika congratulated him. He proudly tugged on his robes and added,
"I'm just pleased to not be in Slytherin.. My brothers have been teaseing me about that for months"
Chad smiled as she mentioned Hogwarts and nodded. So far he was very pleased with his choice.
"Yeah. It's wonderful, waaaayyy better then my old school... Although I am a little nervous to be around so many girls. My old school was an all guy's Academy" Chad replied, looking around the castle with an air of belonging about him. Ruffleing his hair and frowning slightly at the thought. Now that the Ravenclaw thought about it he had never really liked his old school and he doubted highly that he'd miss it... He did miss his freinds though.
"Well I think blue rather suits me, don't you agree?" Chad luaghed in response to how he liked Ravenclaw. Chad smiled and shook his head slightly before turning back to the Hufflepuff.
"I'm pleased with it so far.. And I'm sure my mom will be happy, she was in Ravenclaw too."