Dancing is cool! | Passionate Lion | Keeps Harry's Helium Balloon♥
" I make my own decisions Barry, I am just telling you HogWarts was better back then when the family went here" Jason told him. "If you want to know the truth, I said hello, , one of the girls Bree got mad at me, then my back started hurting really bad and the ones that argued with me were mad because I said OW!!" OW"" Jason told him. "It is like they never been hurt before and then they think I am dramatic because of being hurt but I was not" Jason explained to Barry. " I am also vey hurt because a lot of the Gryffindors decided to jump on me( arguing) which would never had happened in the old days" Jason told Barry. " I talked to Anna and Cale, they agree with me on this- thewre is no repect given to the older students here anymore" Jason said. "Can you believe thay said I had no friends or could not make any?" Jason told Barry. " I have more freinds and family here than probably anyone - well, maybe you rival me, so does Anna" Jason said to Barry. Jason was shocked when Astrid went against him. he treid to help her all last year. They had been friends all last term. Gwen was not really mean to him last year, Jason does not understand.
By the way, I am confused" Jason told Anna and Cale.
Last edited by Jason Potter Weasley; 09-25-2008 at 10:55 PM.