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Yay! I'm so happy about this! I really hope they bring back Zoe Wannamaker, Emma Thompson and characters like Colin Creevey and Lee Jordan

Zoe Wannamaker has said that she won't return to the Harry Potter Films because she thought the pay wasn't good enough
"12 November 2001 | From Studio Briefing | See recent Studio Briefing news
Actress Zoƫ Wanamaker, a star of the Harry Potter film, has said that she will "boycott" the sequels unless Warner Bros. boosts the salaries of the actors. In an interview with the London Sunday Times, Wanamaker said that she received less for making the movie than she did for a recent BBC production. She also claimed that she and other British actors will receive no residual payments. The Sunday Times quoted her as saying: "We have all been cyber-scanned so we can all be replicated [in computer games]. It's bad form. Even the costume designer who came up with these amazing creations will get no residuals. It's shocking and disgraceful. ... Some actors signed three-film deals but the money was so cra* I was insulted so just signed for one. If they want me for a second they will have to up their rates."