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janeysh1 Maggie had already eaten all of her chicken and potatoes, now took some more vegetable on her table. She saw, that near to her was sitting Kairi with some girl, unknown for Maggie. She moved her plate nearer to them. "Hi, Kairi,"she said,"how are you? Haven't seen you in the train!" Then she looked at the other girls, smiling,"Hi there, I'm Maggie, first year!" She tried to eat one peas, but was just hounding him across the plate, then took it by her fingers and smiled a little.
Lizzie looked up as the girl talked to Kairi.
"Hi, nice to meet you Maggie. I'm a first year as well, my name's Lizzie." She nodded towards Kairi ad continued to Maggie:
"Kairi, Rosa and I are getting to know each other." She looked at the girl, she seemed really nice. With a smile she thought of herself a few minutes ago, sitting there all alone, and suddenly she had some friends again! Kairi and Rosa, and this new girl Maggie. And she had spoken to some second year girls as well. Not a bad start, she thought. I have been so afraid to not make any friends at all, but that doesn't seem to be a problem. Feeling happy she got back to reality.
"Are you from a wizard family? I'm a muggleborn, so I didn'n know anything about this whole world until just a few weeks ago. What subjects are you looking forward to?" She stopped talking, realising she was babbling again. She could never stop talking when she was excited. That was ner negative side, and it was hard to control. But anyway, she thought. It could have been worse. What if I had been blind like poor Kairi and Rosa?