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Bree didn't respond although she agreed wholeheartedly. She didn't want anymore trouble with him. He really did make a fuss over nothing.
"They seem quite nice. They've offered me homework help and...erm...dating advice." she said slowly although the idea that she would want to be seen in public with some boy still seemed ludicrous. She smiled a little feeling better now that the topic seemed to have shifted away from the dangerous hinterlands of disapproving prefects.
"There's a boy and a girl and I think they're dating." she said continuing to expand on Cale and Anna. "Jason seems to be good friends with them..." she paused unsure whether to delve into this issue.
Mariel noticed that Bree started to relax a bit as she talked about the prefects.
They sound ok. "Dating advice?" Mariel snorted.
"Sounds like my boy-crazed sisters. They're full of dating advice." She smirked at Bree.
"Were you going to take them up on it? The dating advice, I mean..." Mariel tried to supress a snicker. The whole concept of dating was entirely too amusing to her.
"Well, they sound friendly enough. Haven't met Ravenclaw's prefects though." That seemd a bit intimidating. Mariel wondered if they'd be so friendly to offer help with homework or -
groan - offer dating advice.