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As Mariel was talking to Jenn about possibly trying out the school brooms for an impromptu quidditch game, she turned her head at the sound of Patty asking their tablemates about using the school brooms. Stunned, at first Mariel thought Patty was trying to get her in trouble, but then relaxed as nobody said anything and she whispered a devious little idea to her. Mariel smirked back at her. I like how she thinks. "We should probably find out the policy on school brooms first. Maybe we are allowed... I'd hate to get kicked out in our first year... but if we aren't, there's always a way around rules." Mariel's smirk grew wider as she tilted her head to cast an appraising glance at Patty. "You've gotten bold. I thought you were a bit nervous about flying..."
Patty giggled, "
I might be nervous about it, but I loved flying when I was still allowed. Besides I can't be that unlucky and fly against a wall again..." she suddenly blanched when she realized what she had blurted out.
Ooops! she thought in a slight panic. "
Erm, what I mean is... err....the possibilities of me seeing that Dark Mar... while flying, is quite nil. It can't happen and it won't!"
She ended in a slightly higher tone, color rising on her cheeks as she almost let another little tidbit of past come out.
Definitely feeling a bit warm now, she undid the clasp on her robe to let some cool air in beneath the heavy woolen garment.
"Its a bit warm in here, isn't it?"