Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley Well Jason sees this girl Bree did not apparently like him. No big deal, he has many girls who are friends more than he has male friends. In face Jason just made a lot on the train, in Diagon Alley and here at the table. He has pleny of family to keep him having fun. "Cale on the girls side, since when do boys against girls mean a boy on the girl's side but I think we will take Astrid on the boy's side because I know she likes all boys" Jason told Anna. "I can't play Quidditch because my back is not good" jason told Anna.
Anna smiled playfully at Jason and then replied, "Hmmm, we'll just have to schedule a pillow fight one night and see who wins. I can't wait! I'm so excited to be with both girl and boys!"
"Well, I'm sorry to hear about your back," Anna said. "Maybe when it heals you can start practicing and playing again. I know how much you love Quidditch."
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom Cale grinned mischeviously and raised his eyebrows. "Of course I want to be with the girls--just as long as no one mistakens me for one, obviously. You know me too well," he chuckled. "The Common Room? I can't wait!" he exclaimed. Gah. He was getting hyper again. And spazzing.
Anna smiled shiftily at Cale, giggling at how he'd replied. "Now that sounds more like the Cale I know. Oh, and trust me, no one mistakes you for a girl. Why do you think I want you on
my team so badly? It's because you're a
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley " Jillian and Daphne, how were your summers?" Jason asked them. Jason tries not to show his unhapppiness with the remark by Anna about good behavior. Forget it, he will never try out for Quidditch agin unless he has captain. Then see who would be on the team and who would not because of this unfairness to him. Jason looked very sad. " I am not feeling well and you tell me about being good to play Quidditch, but maybe it was good to hurt my back" Jason told Anna.
Anna turned her attention to Jason and gave him a confused look. "What? Huh?" Anna asked. "I was just trying to cheer up up. No harm intended."
Originally Posted by Symbi0sis
This girl seemingly was in a similar situation to herself. Unable to follow anything that was going on in any capacity. "He's a prefect?" she asked wide-eyed. This careless person a prefect. The idea seemed ludicrous. At her old school prefects had been chosen for outstanding deportment. He didn't seem to have any.
That was when Anna heard the words "he's" and "prefect" being used in the same sentence. There was only one boy at this table who was a prefect, and that was her boyfriend, Cale. "Yeah, Cale's a prefect," Anna confirmed. "He's a really awesome prefect, too. I'm Anna, by the way. I'm the female prefect. What's your name?"