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She raised her brow and then she laughed. "No, he's not unconscious. Actually he was being a goof on the Train." She sighed and then muttered, "What's with all the drama?" Seemed that she couldn't do anything these days without drama interfering.
She was baffled as Pretzel started to speak lower. It was like she was wanting to share a SlytherPuffy plot with her. She giggled at that thought. "Okay, tell me now before I have to hurt you." She winked. The suspense was killing her.
"A goof? How so?" Pretzel blinked at Lima, a little lost about her and Maddox. She hadn't seen either of them since last June, how would she know how they were doing?
Oooh, she likes threatening people. Maybe she'll make a Beater yet! Punz smirked at the the thought and then put an arm around Lima's shoulder.
"Don't worry, BET, we're being angels," she called down the table to the Prefect, winking as she said so.
"Now back to my news," Punz said in her shiftiest voice, putting her blond head real close to Lima's blond head. She had to kinda-sorta shut Maddox out. Er...well she wanted to try at first.
"This term....Hufflepuff is going to OWN the Quidditch pitch. And I mean it." She nodded vigorously and then used her free hand to sneakily point to her Captain's badge. Ahaha, she was working up to the Slytherpuff part....