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I almost feel guilty.....
except its so much fun!

He's just being a drama queen
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This chapter was absolutely, positively AMAZING! You are such a good writer. I love the way you made it into an Ezra/Cale conversation.
It was also sooooo sad, though. I just want to reach in, grab Cale, and just give him a huge hug. *wraps up Canna in a hug and clings to them* Our poor Canna!
But seriously, you nailed Cale's emotions perfectly!!! It was awesome!
Aww, thanks Anna Banana!
I can totally picture Cale just moping around the house, all depressed
Originally Posted by
Punk Rock Princess
hahaa. YOU feel guilty? *hides*
Look what Evolette causes
You can still hug him

He's very cuddly
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Canna broke up? Why doesn`t anyone tell me these things wish I was there stupid timezones
Nah, Cale just THOUGHT they did. They're all good
for now
Originally Posted by
woah..how did I miss two chapters????

welll anyway...they are amazing!!!!

Thanks Beckeroo!
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Humnm.. Yeah.. Cale's name is on Eleanor's black list..bold and underlined.

But.. no heart feelings xD
Who? Moi little Ellie or prefect Evangeline doing something against the rules?
Never ever ever :angle:
Of course
Ooooh, the Prefect vs. Prefect + Slytherin Friend battle

I can't WAIT!
The Cale-Hate
Cale Newell was annoyed. Beyond belief.
He was ticked off with everyone. Well, ok, not EVERYONE. That's just Cale exaggerating again.
First off, that silly Evolette girl, who had caused so many problems already, insisted on being rude to Anna, which was a definite NO in his book. When Cale told them off, the way he should have done, Evolette had the nerve to call him a drama queen! Him! A drama queen! She was the one causing all the drama in the situation, not him.
He was also annoyed with Anna's mum, cause she wacked him with a newspaper. Geez, all he had been trying to do was fix the problem, and he got treated like a dog who had just peed on the floor.
Secondly, he was sick of people giving him attitude. Especially people he didn't know. Like that one pompous new kid he had met arguing with Callie in the streets. That kid was gonna be a trouble maker, Cale could tell. He had his eye on him. Bwahaha!
And then, of course, there was his new fellow prefect, Seth something or another. His last name didn't matter. Cale knew it at one point, but it had dropped out of his head since then. Anyways, this kid seemed to have become BFF's with Nico overnight, and was hell bent on causing Cale as much grief as possible. This included hitting on his girlfriend when Cale was sitting right there in the bloody compartment, and gossiping about him behind his back with Mr. Oh So Mighty Nicholai Toussiant. How did that little weasel get to be prefect anyways? Or even in Hufflepuff, for that matter? He acted more like Trelawney than someone like...Tancred.
The Slytherin girl prefect still remained a mystery to Cale. Oh well, off topic, back to the list of things bugging Cale right now:
As usual, Nicholai Toussiant still remains Enemy #1 in Cale's mind. He was being worse than ever with the flirting, but Cale was NOT going to give into that this time. Things were good with him and Anna, and he wasn't going to lose it again and risk breaking up with her for real this time. Plus, Cale was a man. Men never gave into pressure. Duh. That would show that they had no backbone. Which he totally did.
When did all this Cale-hate happen, anyways? It must have started with Evangeline and her friend Ellie...ever since then, people just seemed to hate him left and right. In his defense, at least Evangeline and her friend had a good reason to hate him...but what had he ever done to Nico and Seth? Nothing! He hadn't even met Seth up until a few days ago. And as for Evolette--she should have just gotten off her high horse and apologized for being rude to Anna. There. Plain and simple.
Ohmigosh! What if all the stress of the coming term caused Cale to go BALD? AHHHHHHHH! That can't happen! Cale refused to lose his curly locks, point blank.
Well, this term is gonna be fun. NOT.