Teal smiled nodded when Drago said that he would need to be briefed. Briefing was always very important for having the best results and optimal safety; just the thought excited Teal even. He hadn't had werewolf trouble in years it seemed. "Yes of course." Teal said with a small smile, this was definitely life capture.
Drago seemed to be contemplating something, so Teal sneaked in a sip from his coffee mug as he asked what their unit's role could be in the convention. "The only thing this unit has to worry about in terms of the convention is the Werewolf Classification System. This has become an international issue, whether or not a werewolf should be classified as a Beast, or Being. There are so many different arguements, as I'm sure you know, but we need to discuss and come up with a solution to present before the foriegn Ministers." Teal finished with a businesslike nod of the head. "Tomorrow there is going to be a meeting in the conference room between Werewolf Capture and Werewolf Registry. I'll adress the problem and we can work from there." Teal said professionally, looking down at his watch and realizing that he probably needed to start heading towards level six sometime soon.
__________________ Stalkee loves Stalker most, ALWAYS. Never forget <3 Pardnuhs for life! <333 G-FISH GANGSTAS HOLLAAA!! |