Inside Professor Macadrian Shackleton's office is a large, heavy mahogany desk, behind which stands a tall purple suede armchair. A soft green quilt rests over the back of it. On the desk sit photo frames with numerous moving pictures of her loved ones, crystal vases filled with purple roses and orange lilies (Professor Shackleton's favorites), numerous small white candles in glass votive holders, an ink well and a peacock feather quill, a fresh blank piece of parchment, and plenty of books on the subject of Arithmancy. These belongings are all very much the same from previous years at Hogwarts; however, there are also an array of sugar quills, candy wrappers, chocolate frogs, and an ornately carved medium-sized wooden chest with a heavy lock upon it that looks inpenetrable.
The wall behind her desk consists entirely of shelves filled with books, most of which relate to Arithmancy, although there is an entire section for books on other school subjects, particularly Ancient Runes, Divination, and Astronomy, and some new books on topics not taught in the school, such as healing and medicinal potions.
By the large windows, bedecked with beautifully-ornate gold curtains, stands a mahogany coffee-table covered in even more Wizarding magazines than in previous terms. Where an array of armchairs used to be, now sits a squashy chaise lounger and a small, comfortable looking couch, over which is draped several thick quilts. Next to the chaise is a wooden cabinet with wooden doors, containing mugs, glasses, and small plates for entertaining company, such as students or other staff members, as well as an assortment of sugary snacks. In the fireplace across the room is a fresh pot of hot cocoa warming above the fire and another pot simmering a different liquid...
Numbers no longer float around the room as they did in previous terms. The office has a different feeling to it than before... not a bad feeling, just different. A bit less light and free, a bit more serious and careful.
Of course, you do not see any of the office's contents until you knock on Professor Shackleton's door and she greets you to come in...