Originally posted by demented_death_eater@Jul 3 2004, 11:56 PM
"The Killing Curse kills immediately, while the other two do not. In fact, I think that Nadia did a wonderful job explaining how the curse works! That is why out of the three Unforgivable Curses, this curse would rank as the number one illegal curse."
Thanks for the kind words^^ I think it's a common consideration that the Killing seems to be the worst, but as a matter of fact it could change from the perspective. While you are taking life from a person, at least it doesn't suffer, and while psychical pain can drive you mad emotional one can destroy you ona different yet alike way - many people consider the worst thing to be done to one is *being betrayed*, for example. You bring a very interesting topic^^
"Aw! Over already?" Nadia said taking her things. "See you next class then, professor!" Nadia gathers her things and gets out though the door,but then she stops at Prof Rae's office for a word.