Thread: DADA Lesson 3
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Old 07-04-2004, 02:52 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally posted by MadEye2004@Jul 3 2004, 07:23 PM
A Patronus is also a very good way of dealing with such a situation - if you can conjure it. Speaking of Patronuses, mine is a hippogriff.
"But would the Patronus really work, just the fact that its a happi thing that wards off dementors, but i guess it could work, maybe absorb the attack, that's cool that yours is a hippogriff!"
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ok everyone here is the deal, okie, Sirius, is not dead as all you crazy people seem to think, he is.... **Drumroll** he's tangled in the veil! duh! and when he gets out him and Harry and everyone else, will; join with the Knights who say Nee and take over Sears and all will be happi!
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