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Old 09-02-2008, 03:37 PM   #24 (permalink)
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relly1611: Here is your sig:

Hope you like it.

EDIT: I didn't like the white corner, so I decorated it a little. Pick whichever you like better.

(hmm... looks a lil tacky now)

Originally Posted by Jacksparrow View Post
nice stuff so far you got any animated avvie's or avvie's with a boarder around any?
I don't make animated graphics, sorry. What you can see in this thread is almost all I've got at the moment. But I can make more avvies with boarders. Is there any specific subject you want the boarder avvies to be about?

Last edited by LunaticLady; 09-02-2008 at 09:04 PM.
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