Mah Creator: Thanx Zoeeeee!
March 27, 2066
It really isn’t fair! I don’t get it at all! I really don’t! It’s not fair! I’m sorry journal thingy. I’m not usually always this mad. I’m usually really passive (Leah taught me that word). But today I’m just mad. My mom and dad both had the day off today, so they decided to go visit Benny in the hospital. I still haven’t seen him since the accident. Ok I know I haven’t told you about the accident, so I guess I should explain now.
It was right before Sammy went back to school. I think she was mad that day because Mom was really getting on her case about cleaning. Anyways, I guess Benny found her and asked if she wanted to go for a bike ride. Everybody in my family is an outdoorsy person. Even me. So of course, Sammy wanted to go. When I heard they were going, I wanted to go too. But they only had two helmets. The only reason why Mom actually let me go was because Benny let me use his helmet. Nobody thought anything about it because he is older. Well, we were on top of Pan Mountain and I was pedaling, trying to keep up, when Sammy suddenly screamed. I had to put the brakes on fast, because she had stopped. I almost fell but I caught myself. But I couldn’t see Benny anywhere. It scared me. When I saw Sammy run over to the edge, I followed her. I could see his body lying like a broken doll below.
I have no idea how Sammy was able to keep her cool through it all. She was really calm and took control of the situation. She even used illegal under age magic. I don’t think she got in trouble for it though. I so appreciate Sammy so much more since that day.
Something happened to me that day, seeing my brother so close to death. I stopped talking to people. I never really talked much before. I am a shy boy and I can admit it. I want to talk to people. I really do. Buts it’s hard. I know if I try to talk to somebody, they will just ask me how I am doing, or if I am ok. I don’t want to talk about that. Jae got me to say my first words since the accident. He listened more than talked and that was what I needed. He knows me well, and I’m glad to have him as a friend.
I never explained why I am mad though. Well like I said everybody took the day off and are visiting Benny today. I actually opened my mouth and spoke to my Dad. I asked him if I could go and see him. I think he was shocked at first for seeing me talking, but then I saw his eyes cloud over. He told me Mom doesn’t want me to go see him. So my parents and Uncle Theo are at the hospital right now and Adie stayed behind to watch me and my other cousins. Adie doesn’t seem to mind that she has to stay behind, but I do know that she visited him the first day, when they arrived.
I wish Mom wouldn’t be so over-protective sometimes. I know if Sammy were here she would probably argue with Mom until she let me go. But Sammy doesn’t come back until June. I really miss my sister. I miss my brother too…I just wish she would let me see him. Let me see that he really isn’t dead.
I’m going to go find the twins. They always seem to cheer me up when I’m down. Bye for now.
-Upset lil brother