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Old 07-03-2004, 04:41 AM   #396 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

Peter entered the Great Hall wearing a magenta cape and sparkly blue tights. All over the Hall, people turned to stare at his ensemble.

“I swear,” Sirius shook his head. “One day he’s going to grow up to be a Muggle.”

“I only have one thing to say. And that is…… wee wee wee all the way home,” James responded. His friends stared at him and he shrugged. “I always wanted to say that.”

“Raspberries! Peter! Why are you wearing that?” Remus called as Peter got closer.

Peter climbed onto the table and posed. “I am going to be the greatest prankster ever. This is my magnificent pranking costume.” He stared off into the distance, letting everyone get a good look at the magnificent costume. Across the hall, Snape started to squirm. That little pudgy Gryff was looking at him. And he was wearing a cape. Something was up.

“Raspberries!” Snape exclaimed. “I have to go.” He crawled under the table and raced for the door of the Great Hall, trying to hide behind chairs as he went.

“Snape’s lost it,” Remus commented in an offhand way.

“So what else is new?” Sirius shrugged.

Peter fell off the table.

“Wormtail, you can’t be the greatest prankster,” James said as if he hadn’t been listening, which is actually quite likely. “I’M the greatest.”

“Now, come on, Prongs,” Sirius protested. “I’m most definitely a better prankster than you.”

“Are you daft, man?” James leapt to his feet.

“Well,” Remus turned to Peter, who was massaging his bruised… ego. “At least we’re handling this like adults.” Peter pointed to James and Sirius who were slapping at each other in a rather pathetic and embarrassing manner.

“Stop that!” Remus shouted and earned a slap from Sirius. Peter ducked under the table and pulled his cape over his head as random on-lookers received wayward slaps.

Lily jumped up from her end of the table. As a prefect, it was her duty to ensure the safety and well-being of… SLAP! James struck her hard on her pert little nose.

The slap fight quickly ended as James realized what he had done. “Raspberries! I’m sorry, Evans. Raspberries, raspberries, raspberries.” She gave him a LOOK and stalked away.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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