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Old 08-29-2008, 06:48 PM   #77 (permalink)
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Default Two Chapters for the Price of One

Chapter 26

Harry left the twins in the kitchen and walked out the back door. How could he have forgotten his own birthday? Ginny hadn't stopped talking about it all week as well...

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Hermione and Ginny pass him on their way into the house, and he didn't see Ron either. Well, not until they walked into each other anyway...

There you are... Gin's been looking for you and Hermione... While I was talking to the twins... Where is Hermione and Ginny anyway?" Harry asked as he stood up and held out a hand for Ron.

"You've walked past them mate... Gin said hi and Hermione waved. Did you not see them? And why in the merlin's pants were you talking to the twins?" Ron said incredulously as they walked back to the house and up to his room.

"Don't worry...I'm sure you'll hear about it later..." Harry said as he sunk into his camp bed. They sat up there talking and laughing when a high pitched scream echoed from somewhere below them. Harry jumped up and ran to the door, pulling his wand out on the way.

"You don't need that mate... Not yet anyway... That was probably Ginny, which means that Hermione's told her..." Ron carried on mumbling until Harry cut in.

"If your gonna say it, SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" Harry said, raising his voice at the end.

"Well... When you and Ginny went to the-" Ron started but Harry spoke over the top.

"I don't need the full length story... I know you spoke to Hermione. Spill it" Harry said as he sat back down. "Spill it or suffer..." He laughed as he lifted his wand up.

Ron knew Harry was playing about and shook his head, his ears slowly turning red and looking anywhere but Harry.

"Iaskedherout..." Was all Harry heard as Ron mumbled to his knees.

"Sorry? I meant spit out so I can understand you Ron..." He said, stowing his wand back in his jeans.

"I... I asked... Asked her out..." Ron stuttered as Harry grinned at him.

"FINALLY! Do you know how long EVERYONE has tried to get you to ask her! Wait... you might want to hide... Gin's coming" Harry said as he opened the door again.

Before Ron could move, Ginny had run into the room and hit him.

"Ronald! Your so stupid sometimes!" Ginny cried as Harry stood at the door in complete shock.

"OW! Ginny! Wha- OW" was all Ron could say as Ginny started punching him.

"You've had six years to ask her and you choose NOW!" Ginny said, punching her brother with every word.

Then Harry come to his senses and stepped forwards as Hermione appeared in the door way.


"Gin, come on, leave him alone now! Gin!"


At the same time, Ron, Harry and Hermione shouted, causing Ginny to stop and look round, tears still splashing onto her chest.

"W- what?" She said looking at Harry, who took the opportunity to seize her hands.

"Calm down! Ron doesn't need to be knocked out! Come on, stop crying..." Harry said as he pulled her close to him.

Hermione walked in and sat next to Ron and placed her hand on his.

"Are you okay?" She said, unable to control her laughter any longer.


Chapter 27

After Harry had calmed Ginny down and Ron had gotten over his attack, Hermione told the rest of the family, who told everyone else.

The next day found the Burrow full of people laughing and joking, people outside running around and a large cake fight when Ginny had pushed her slice of cake in Harry's face.

As Mrs Weasley started to clear up some of the cake, a flash of light passed over the house. As everyone looked up, Seamus fell to the floor and started twitching and screaming.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny ran over to him. Ginny knelt down and tried to calm him.

Harry mumbled something but all Ron heard was 'Cruciatus' and 'Voldemort'. Hermione went to kneel next to Seamus but Ron rabbed her hand and pulled her into the house.

"It won't work Gin... WHY SEAMUS? WHY NOT GO STRAIGHT FOR ME?" Harry shouted, spinning on the spot and searching the sky.

Seamus's screams stopped and a popping noise filled the air. Harry drew his wand and pointed it over Ginny's shoulder. Slowly Ginny turned her head and looked out towards the driveway.

"Ginny, it's okay! Just draw your wand!" Harry whispered, not taking his eyes off the line of Death Eaters watching them. "WELL? IS IT JUST YOU OR IS HE HIDING?" Harry yelled, his eyes taking in his surroundings.

He didn't get an answer. Instead the Death Eaters fired curses at the guests, who retaliated. Mrs Weasley pulled Ginny up off the floor, grabbed Harry and headed for the house.

Harry headed straight for the living room where Hermione was acing and Ron was sitting on the couch.

"Is he here?" Hermione said as she stopped and looked up at Harry.

When he shook his head she continued pacing.

Harry lowered himself into a chair and looked up at Ginny. She was shaking and twisting her fingers round her necklace. "Don't worry Gin, it'll be okay... But I'm going back out there..."

"No. Stay here, please" Ginny whispered as she walked over to him. She was shaking so bad that Harry thought she would fall so he grabbed her and pulled her down so she was huddled in the chair with him.

"Ginny, remember what we spoke about yesterday? I'm most scared for those I'm not with... Well there's about 25 people out there, all fighting to keep us safe" Harry whispered to her.

"I know but still... What if something happens to you?" Ginny had started crying now.

"Nothing will... I promise" Harry said as he wiped her tears away. He stood up and then turned back to her. "I want you to stay here... Same with you Hermione" And with that, he kissed Ginny and walked out.

"Hermione, I agree with Harry on this one... Stay in the house, contact anyone you can who's in the order and not here. I'll be back later" Ron said as he hugged her. Walking to the door, he looked back and watched as Hermione fell on the couch and hid her face.

Pushing open the back door, Ron drew his wand and walked with Harry round to the front of the house.


Just to let you know, this is on the internet... It gets updated fairly often and has some more story on it as well as some funny icons. Hopefully, I'll be able to add other stories as i go so... who knows!

If you want the link, ask and i'll PM it to you.

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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