♥Matella||Epic Canadian||Awesome Shipper|| Music Lover||Senators Fan||Kendrick♥
Honestly coming here might be good for me after all despite I just spent one whole term in Belle's.. thank merlin we get to go to Hogwarts next term and I don't have to be around all girls all the time. Belle's was horrible, with the ministry professors and such. But I believe the worst day of this term had to be when I met Prefect Trelawney, honestly she scares me a lot and needless to say I'm still quite terrified of her despite that she's graduating soon.
So much happened this term from helping to plan to get into the secret tunnel with a few of my former friends to getting tutoring in duelling by Prefect Trelawney and starting the fight with that slightly unstable witch Kayla Winters.
Grr..that girl makes me crazy, just because she's a 3rd year and a stupid Hufflepuff doesn't mean that she has the right to cause trouble with a 1st year(soon to be 2nd year) Slytherin. She has no idea what I've got in store for her next term.. she just better watch her back and since Prefect Trelawney won't be around, I can officially go after her. *evil laughs and smirks*
Rant over!