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Old 08-26-2008, 08:14 PM   #109 (permalink)
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Dylan stood by John with a smirk on his face as he watched the scene unfold. He was so amused at the students' reaction and couldn't help but laugh as they headed for the tunnels. "Ah the fools." He spoke outloud to John. He peered his eyes, carefully watching Rosalyn especially, glaring daggers at her. "Ugh, look at her." He grunted to his fellow follower. "That pathetic brunette, blood-traitor!" He spat the last two words with venom. "How could I have ever been involved with her?" He asked, to himself more than anyone. Folding his arms across his chest he turned to look at John, a mischevious smirk on his face. "How long do you bet they'll last until they burn to death?"

Rosalyn smiled slightly at Serena and nodded as she took her hand. She hoped they wouldn't come across any more fire as they made their way through the tunnel. She gasped as she caught her sleeve on a nearby branch and it ripped through her cloak, creating a gash in the exposed skin. Grumbling to herself, she cursed loudly and followed Serena.
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