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Old 08-26-2008, 05:38 PM   #21 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Nov 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Xavieria Bole

♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty

Originally Posted by Hollister View Post
Awww! Evolette's noees. *Pets her*
I bet she stil looks beautiful anyway

PAMS <33
She does. She always looks beautiful. Haha. Or so she says xD

Originally Posted by Dracos_Lady View Post
-deaded with laughter-

Hahahahahaha, I'm sure Hugo teased her for her broken nose xD ADD MORE SOOOOON COLLYFLOWER!!! <33333333333
Evee would slug him in the nose if he teased her, then they would have matching things on their faces lol!

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Poor Evolette's nose.

But I'm actually pretty certain that she would enjoy having a personal slave. And she's not even my charrie.

I'm beginning to pick up on a few things about her.
haha. She wasn't joking, I bet she was milking that for all it was worth.

Originally Posted by Eclipsed View Post
ZOMG. Where have I been this entire time? I hadn't even known there was an entry numero DOS! -dies-

Poor Evee. a) Me wants to know more about this guy she met. Who is he? I cannot believe she sensed some kind of AURA around him. Terry? Are you kidding me? =P and b) LMFAO at her breaking her nose! It must be killing her to have something so bleh touching her gorgeous face. xD

I gots to run. I've got an rp I need to reply to before I'm shot on the spot.
BWAHA. That's all I have to say about that. Because you know what I am about to post and I am excited to get it in

-Entry Four-

I like boys. It’s more of an addiction really, I have to have boys around. My mother told me that my first word was boy. I actually remember this, so I am sure it is not one of those things that she simply tried to force on me because she thought it was cute.

But, as much as I love my boys, I have a confession to make; I have never had a proper crush on one. It has always been many boys at one time, many admirers, many suitors, but there hasn’t been one in particular that stood out to me.

I was a butterfly, free to flit from flower to flower whenever I deemed necessary, never to be tied down, and always to be free. I can literally fill your cute, adorable pink pages with name after name of boys. Whenever I feel flirty, whenever I need someone to tell me that I am pretty, all I have to do is bat my eyelashes and they will come running.

I am a flirt, plain and simple. A serial flirt, with major commitment issues. Maybe I am afraid of ending up in a relationship like the one my parents have, or maybe I am afraid of monotony, probably both. But whatever the reason, I know one thing, I was afraid.

For weeks afterwards, I had told myself it was just a fling, a summer romance, that it really didn’t mean anything to him, or to me. But today, while at tea with Mother and Tavie, I had an epiphany. Catching myself staring at a boy who surprisingly had the same color eyes as him, I realized why I had left him.

Yes, I liked him, maybe even loved him if I would have allowed myself. But that was the reason I was afraid. Long distance relationships rarely ever worked out, and with his reputation, I was sure he would find someone else. Someone -dare I say it- prettier than me.

Even though he thought he could do it, he was going to try to have a relationship with me, put aside the flirt in him. But I wasn’t ready. I was selfish. I couldn’t trust him with my heart yet. UGH. Why am I such an ignoramus? Why didn’t I give him a chance? We were good, even perfect together, we both knew it, everyone who saw us together knew it. Why didn’t I?

But, it’s not like I am going to see him again. I left, and he didn’t come after me. I am not going back there, and he is not coming here. So, given the circumstances, it has occurred to me that it is only logical that I say goodbye to him. I know it is unlikely that I will ever fully forget about him, as you never forget your first love, but I will just have to try.

Yes, goodbye Terry Saunders and everything I did to hurt you. I hope that someday, you can forgive me.

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