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Old 08-25-2008, 09:27 AM
Steelsheen Steelsheen is offline
Post WorthPlaying Half-Blood Prince video game preview on the Wii has just released their in-depth preview of the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince video game for Nintendo's Wii platform.

While Hogwarts itself wasn't available in the E3 demo, I got to ask a few questions about it that helped alleviated my fears. It's going to be accurate to the movie, but also made significantly easier to explore, cutting down on the frustration that was so common in Order of the Phoenix. Perhaps the best change is that the near-worthless footprint guide from Order of the Phoenix has been replaced by the ghost of Nearly Headless Nick, who will provide a much more visible and easy-to-follow guide around the world of Hogwarts.
Click on the link above for the full preview.

As of yet, there is no word on when the Half-Blood Prince video game will be available for purchase.
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