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Old 08-20-2008, 02:13 AM   #21 (permalink)
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It's just plain wrong for them to jerk our chains like this and blatantly state they want to suck every penny out of our pockets and that's why they're doing this - I don't think it has anything to do with the writer's strike, a company just doesn't suddenly realize months and months after a strike like that, that they're short on a bunch of movies and will be "hurting" if they don't do something like this - especially not if they are a multi-million dollar company. No. This is nothing short of a hostage-like blackmail scheme for better publicity (which I'm inclined to believe is more negative than positive, thankfully). Also, the notion that Harry Potter fans will like Harry Potter any more or less in the Winter versus the Summer is absolutely ridiculous. I, and I'm sure many other of the millions of fans out there, would go to see this movie and the other one's two parts no matter what it took, maybe even multiple times - that is, for me, until now. So their theory of making more money just because of a season change is total, illogical hogwash!

And as for that almost slap-in-the-face comment by the whoever quoted there, what's to keep them from postponing the last film by two years each to achieve the same supposed "better turn outs"? Hmm? They don't seem to really give a hoot about the fans now, so I'm going to assume that they won't then either and will NOT think twice about pulling the same stunt a couple more times to try and get all they can out of us - if this works this time. There's NO respect for the fans left, so they feel they can do whatever they want without ANY interest or thought for their fanbase at all, despite "crocodile comments" stating otherwise.

Anyway, I seriously hope this endeavor crashes and burns in their faces. I really do. And I am still going to boycott the movie's theatrical release, just on principle - I don't care how much it will hurt me to do it, but I am.

BTW, dude, him saying that he's already seen the movie and that "it was great!" is NOT something someone should say to a bunch of really irritated Harry Potter fans after having just tarnished their hopes to see it too in just under three months after waiting for it for such a long, long time, am I right? Like seriously, at the very least have some tact! *Breathes* [/Rant]
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