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Old 08-17-2008, 03:52 PM
lemondrop13 lemondrop13 is offline
Default Arithmancy Final Exam

Upon entering the classroom, you see a note left by Professor Shackleton with your final exam assignment floating in midair. The pink writing reads:

1a. Calculate the Four Pinnacles of Harry Potter. (DOB: 07/31/1980)
1b. Provide the textbook descriptions for each Pinnacle.
1c. Provide an interpretation of each Pinnacle as it relates to what we know about Harry Potter's life during the time of each Pinnacle.

2a. Calculate the Four Challenges of Harry Potter. (DOB: 07/31/1980)
2b. Provide the textbook descriptions for each Challenge.
2c. Provide an interpretation of each Challenge as it relates to what we know about Harry Potter's life during the time of each Challenge.

3. Calculate the Pinnacle/Challenge Ages of Potter's Four Pinnacles and Challenges.

4. Relate each of Harry's Pinnacles and Challenges to one another. Be sure to explain how the Challenges might have prevented Harry from reaching his Pinnacle. Make sure your assessment applies to Harry's particular situation.
Professor Shackleton does not sit in the room, but she knows that you will all abide by the honor system and complete your own work. As is standard procedure, a fresh anti-cheating quill is placed upon each desk. Good luck!

OOC: This assignment is worth 40 points and is due by August 24th by 11:59pm EST. Please submit your final exam in the same fashion all homework was submitted. You may RP your character taking the exam, but please do not post your answers in this thread. Thanks for a great term!