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Old 08-17-2008, 02:21 PM   #67 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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Talking Chapter 22 and Chapter 23

Chapter 22

Ginny had cornered Hermione the night before about Harry's present. This however, did not help her. She couldn't think on what to get him. She was thinking of all the things she could get when she walked into th kitchen. Her eyes fell on Harry at the table and all te thoughts were wiped out her head. She walked over and sat down next to him.
“Hey Harry” She said as she kissed his cheek and pulled a plate of pancakes towards her.
“Hey Gin, What you up to today?” he said as he sneaked one of her pancakes onto his plate.
“Oi! Will you leave my food alone!” he said as she playfully slapped his hand away. “I'm not doing anything today. Why?” Harry just shrugged as he stuffed his face full of Ginny's pancake. She rolled her eyes and started on her own. Then Harry nudged her. She choked and looked at him. He nodded his head towards the door and she turned and saw Ron and Hermione talking and laughing as they came down the stairs.
“Oh no! I forgot to talk to Hermione about what we talked about yesterday! We were talking and it just slipped my mind!!” Ginny said as she hit her head on the table.
“Hey, it doesn't mean you have to knock yourself out just 'cos you forgot! You can talk to her whenever you want! And i was wndering if you'd come into town with me today for your mum” Harry said as he grabbed Ginny's shoulders and pulled her up again. She smiled, nodded and rubbed her forehead as Ron and Hermione joined them.
“Alright you two?” Ron said as he leent aross Hermione for a plate. They nodded and Ron placed a whole pancake in his mouth.
“Ron! Use a knife and fork! And table manners!” Hermione said with a look of total disgust on her face before turning her attention on the couple opposite her. “Ginny? what happened to your head?”
“What's the matter with it?” She said as she piked up a spoon to look at it.
“It's red!”
“Yeah, it runs in the family. It's her hair!” Ron said seriously as he picked up a cup of orange juice. Harry laughed as Ginny dropped the spoon because of her giggling when Hermione raised her eyebrows at him.
“Oh, very funny Ron” She said as she started on her own breakfast. At that moment Fred and Geore entered the room.
“Well, has anyone deided to leave us anything to eat or did you all let Ron eat it?” Ron looked up with a surprised look as Hermione, Harry and Ginny broke into laughter again.
“Oi! It's not always me you know! Harry! It's not funny!” he said affronted. Harry just shrugged as he tried to stop laughing. Once everyone had calmed down, Fred spoke up.
“Right, changing the subjet from Ron and his bottomless pit, What's everyone doing today?” It turned out that everyone was busy doing something and when Harry asked what it was, he got told it wasn't important.
“Well, me and Gin are gonna go into town and get the food shopping i think” Harry said as he put the empty plates in the sink. “I'm gonna go get changed and grab my bag then we'll go. Is that alright Gin?” She nodded and he walked towards the door.
“Bag?” George questioned as Harry walked past him.
“Invisibilty Cloak” was all he said as he walk out the door.
As he walked up the stairs, Harry could of sworn he heard lowered vices whispering coming from the kitchen.


Chapter 23
“Hey Gin, what was you lot talking about when i walked out the room this morning?” They were walking along the road hand in hand as the leaves fell off the trees around them.
“Oh, that... I dunno. I wasn't really listening” Ginny said as she kicked some of the fallen leaves on the ground. A wave of gold and bronze washed over they're fett as they carried on. Harry nodded and droped the subject.
“Why did you have the bring the Cloak?” Ginny asked as they rounded a corner.
“In case there's anyone or anything I can't be seen by” Harry said calmly. Ginny froze. “Gin? Are you okay?” Harry had stopped by now as well and turned to her. She wore a look of total fear and her face had paled.
“Oh Gin, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!” Harry panicked as he wrapped his arm round her.
“I- I'm okay. I- I mean, they wouldn't come h- here would they? They c- can't knnow that your staying with us!” She stuttered as she looked behind her.
“I know. But I'm taking the Cloak everywhere with me now. Just in case” he told her, squeezing her shoulders. inny loosened up a bit and they carried on walking down the path.
“Harry?” Ginny looked up at him. He didn't look down at her though.
“Mmmmmmmm?” His voice was happy as he linked hands with her. He was focusing on something in front of them and was smiling his heart warming smile.
"Are you worried?" His smile faltered a slight bit as he put his arm round her shoulders and held her close.
"When I'm alone, then I'm terrified. But not for my self. For those I love. I've been up against danger every other day so I'm used to it and the pressures tat come with it. But I'm always worried then those I love are away from me so I can't see if they're okay. Look at my second year-" Ginny pointedly looked away and blushed as she remembered all the details- "I thought I would be sick because I didn't know if you was okay because I wasn't next to you. I couldn't do anything until I reached you. And then I had to fight Riddle first. I only got through that because of you" He said as he squeezed her shoulders.
"Harry, I-"
"It doesn't matter though, 'coz I've got you and you are never leaving my side when anything happens" He said as he glanced at her. He had given one of the many hints he had but she didn't seem to of figured it out.
"Harry, I would never leave you! Not for a million years and you know that!" Ginny still sounded scared but there as that steadiness in her voice again. "But can we at least change the subject. I don't want to talk about it anymore. As long as I know that you're not worried then I'm not" She said, smiling again.


Sorry about the wait... Writers block

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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