Thread: Quotable Quips
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Old 08-16-2008, 09:19 PM   #148 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nerissa M. Tate
Sixth Year


Courtyard Drama Part #2

Originally Posted by Super-long post
Amelia was watching as there seemed to much tension in the air of the three younger girls. Truthfully, she was beginning to regret coming down to the courtyard but at the same time, not. It would be good for them to get everything out in the open before the championship game.

She then blinked at the young second year, whom suggested that Rapunzel attracted her clumsiness. Gasping, her green eyes widened in shock at the idea. "Juniper! My chaser is not the root of your clumsiness. You only have your own puny self to blame for that!" she exclaimed, rather defensively.

Oops. Maybe that was a tad overboard, but she would not have the evil little seeker picking on her teammate. Geez; and why did Juniper have to eye her like that?! That was quite scary. But not as scary as the teeny Eagle girl was when on a broomstick; honestly, that girl was terrifying at quidditch. The only advantage she had was that she was quite a bit taller than Juniper, which did put her slightly at ease.

Then Willow went on to taunt Rapunzel something of bludgers hitting her during the match. Narrowing her eyes at the other Ravenclaw, whom she'd accidentally run into, she blinked. "You wouldn't dare hit a bludger against her," she told her, thinking of her scary beater boyfriend. Albeit she'd never admit it, Willow terrified even her as beater.

Taking a deep breath, Amelia nodded when Willow said again she was fine. "Tempting? But would you accept the offer of a butterbeer?" she asked lightly. Better keep things polite around here. Ryan would certainly kill her if she managed to injure his players before the Championship. Not that she would mind if Rapunzel managed to injure Juniper before the game, making the little second year unable to play. "Oh and for the record, Rapunzel is no more mentally unstable than any other girl around here."

Amelia had to refrain from smirking when Punz called her Juni. Somehow, she had this inkling Juniper would not take too kindly to that name, but either way she was prepared to act in defense of her housemate.

Well, almost...

Listening to Rapunzel answer against Willow in response about the bludgers being dangerous and beaters being annoying was just a wrong move on the fourth year's part. Not that she minded the last comment of usually boys taking that position, but did she just call her boyfriend annoying!?

"Rapunzel Black!" Amelia exclaimed, slightly mortified. If there was one that annoyed her most, besides quidditch, it was comments made against her boyfriend, no matter how indirect. "Tancred is a beater; are you trying to tell me that he is annoying?!" Her eyes were quite wide and alert, as she kept her gaze fixed on the fourth year, waiting for an answer.
Originally Posted by Juniper, not Juni
Juniper eyed Willow suspiciously. So Rapunzel Black was mentally unstable, eh? If that was Willow’s opinion, Rapunzel couldn’t be all that bad. If Willow didn’t like the girl, that was all the more incentive for Juniper to try to enjoy her company. Ah, the Championship game. The one reason Willow actually cared about her well-being. The second year gave anti-nature girl a sweet, if slightly sarcastic, smile.

“I can keep myself unharmed without your advice, Kovac, but thanks anyway,” she said sweetly. “It’s the thought that counts.”

With another smile that bordered on being a grimace, Juniper turned from her teammate to look at Rapunzel.

Juniper sighed in relief as Rapunzel said she didn’t mind clumsiness. In reality, Juniper wasn’t a clutz. She just… tended to walk into somebody every single time she let her mind wander whilst walking. It was merely bad luck that made Rapunzel be that person two times. She forced a small smile when Rapunzel called her Juni.

Great. Another person to call her Juni. She might as well start introducing herself as such, for all the good it was doing to introduce herself as JuniPER.

“Sure, I don’t mind,” Juniper said in a faint voice. Lying through her teeth. Pah! She really needed to get used to the nickname, as it seemed it was going to stick. Was that a wink? Odd… people usually winked when they thought they had a secret with someone. Perhaps Rapunzel was slightly off-kilter, as Kovac had suggested. Nowhere near as crazy as anti-nature girl seemed to think, but possibly a little bit so.

What now? It wouldn’t do for Juniper to stand there and let Rapunzel dis a Ravenclaw beater. Even though it was Juniper standing there… but still. “I agree bludgers are a pain, but don’t you think it’s a bit of a bad idea to be rude to the beater of your opposing team just before a Quidditch match?” Juniper said softly. “Because she’ll have that beater’s bat. And bludgers are a pain if you get in their way.”

And please don’t eat me, Rapunzel and Amelia, please don’t eat me, Juniper added silently in her mind. She was not keen on being eaten before the big match.

Juniper stared as Amelia took her far too seriously. It had been a joke. A joke! But clearly Juniper was such the un-joking type that even Amelia, who she barely knew, didn’t catch her joke. Hmph. And to think that Juniper thought it had been obviously a joke. Or obvious sarcasm, or… erm, how about not thinking that. The second year thought instead about what she would say to the Hufflepuff. Gahh. Everything that came to mind was either lame or might provoke the girl into eating her.

“I’m not puny,” she finally said firmly, glaring at Amelia. Just because the seventh year was a giant did not mean that Juniper, who was several years younger, was puny. At all.

Juniper snorted as even Amelia got riled at Rapunzel’s insinuation that beaters were annoying. This random meeting in the courtyard wasn’t that awful. Scary, yes. Boring, most definitely not.
Originally Posted by Bone Crusher
Both of the third year's eyebrows raised quickly. Juni? What kind of ridiculous nickname was that? Willow didn't get why even nicknames existed, as a matter of fact. Was it so hard to call someone by their name? No, it wasn't. So, why did people insisted in creating nicknames? Well, it was Rapunzel that had came up with it, after all. Why was she so surprised of how ridiculous it was, again? "Please don't make me call you Juni, Goodwin", Willow said, addressing to her house mate, as she dropped her voice so only the second year would be able to hear.

"Bludgers are not a pain for me, Rapunzel, and being a beater is certainly not annoying", Willow retorted, matching the badger's cold tone. "And, I really see nothing wrong in being different. But obviously you do, judging by that tone of voice". Didn't she know that everyone was different? The world would be extremely boring if everyone acted the same way. "I am curious, though", the third year began again, faking curiosity, "Are you calling one of your teammates different? Because as far as I know, last term one of your beaters was the girl that is know your prefect, and this term, I can't recall who your beaters are, but I'm sure one of them is a girl", she paused for a second, and then went on, "So, tell me, Rapunzel, are you calling those girls annoying? Different? And keep in mind that I'm using your definition of different, not mine", Willow finished, making her tone of voice even sharper now.

This was beyond ridiculous, honestly. Walk away, or stay here saying Rapunzel one thing or two. Hmmm... Though the first option sounded like the safe one, the latter was just too tempting for the Ravenclaw to resist.

"Are you hearing yourself, Rapunzel? One minute you are being all nice and kind to Juniper and the other you are being snarky and absolutely obnoxious. Don't you think that's a little odd? Have you consider the possibility of getting yourself a room in St. Mungos, so the healers can treat the obvious emotional disorder you've got?", Well, if Rapunzel haven't consider that option, she totally should. The girl was clearly insane. "Anti-social disorder?", she raised her eyebrows at her. "Listen, Black. The fact that I don't like you, doesn't make me an anti-social. If someone isn't your friend, or doesn't like you, for that matter, does not make that person strange, anti-social, or different". Stupid Rapunzel. How self.conceited could you be to actually think that because someone didn't like you it meant that there was something wrong with that person, eh?

Flipping her dark hair out of the way as she turned to Amelia, Willow simply shrugged. "Is not like I would do it on purpose, or anything", she replied with a snicker, albeit honestly. Sort of. Heheh. "But as a Quidditch captain, you probably know that my job as a beater is to protect my team, soo.. I can make any promises about that". That was not a joke, and it was her job as a beater. And nothing was going to stop her from doing a good job. "Maybe", Willow replied, with a small grin. Amelia was slightly insane, but she was nice. "Are sure about that?", Willow inquired, raising one her eyebrows just a little bit. "Would you say that is normal, if out of nowhere, I point at you with my wand, then laugh, then yell at you for no reason, then being abnormally friendly, then to start crying, then to being friendly again, cry again, and yelling at you before calling you crazy?", Willow explained to the Captain, remembering the little encounter she had with Rapunzel in the Gates, the previous term.

Her snicker got even wider, when Willow noticed that Amelia didn't look so pleased with her house and team mate.

"As you wish", the third year replied politely to the second year. "Just make sure you don't get hurt", the fourth year warned calmly.

"Thank you, Juniper", Willow said with, flashing a friendly smile at the girl's direction. Of all the people, Willow would have never imagine that she would end up agreeing with Nature freak. Then again, they were team mates, and honestly, she was glad that the girl wasn't siding with Ms. I am a bipolar in denial.

Hearing Amelia's reply to Nature freak, Willow took a little step closer to the younger Ravenclaw so she could be standing right next to her. "Don't call her a puny, because she's hardly one". Ravenclaws had to stick together, and she knew that.
Originally Posted by Random Exit
Punzel's momentary confidence started to fall apart, piece by piece, as each of the other girls spoke. First there was Amelia, who was probably going to kick her off the Hufflepuff team for unknowingly insinuating something about her boyfriend.

"I....didn't...wait, whut?" Punz blinked at Mia, literally scratching the top of her blonde head as she did so. "Not all Beaters are annoying, I mean, duh, just....enemy ones...?" she trailed off faintly, taking a step back from the group and really hoping Amelia wouldn't beat her up now. Perhaps Juniper had the right idea about not wanting to get eaten.

Or perhaps Juniper was going to be the one eating them! The girl had such a sullen look on her face just because Punz called her Juni! Merlin! Rapunzel was the Queen of Nicknames in all honesty, and she simply could not resist nicknaming someone when she could.

"You might have a point there, Juni," Punz replied softly. She just made herself look stupider the more she spoke and now all of her self-confidence was definitely gone. "I think I'll stop talking now and back away slowly...." she said, doing just that without taking her eyes off of Willow. Never mind Juniper, Kovac was the dangerous one who knew how to handle a hefty club.

And if they thought Rapunzel had a mental illness, they seriously needed to listen to Willow Kovac a little more closely right now. Rapunzel had been about to just edge away from the conversation but something the other girl said kept her rooted to the ground. "Kovac," she said coldly, staring her down, "By different I meant unique, as in, only you can possibly hold the title of Rudest and Most Annoying Beater in Hogwarts History. Congratulations," Punz finished sarcastically, clapping her hands loudly and briefly.

She turned on her heel to stalk away for real this time, but once again The Ice Queen could not stop talking. Rapunzel didn't even bother turning around. Willow's words were just too hurtful and she was afraid that if she were face-to-face with the girl, she would jinx the Ravenclaw into a million little pieces.

"That one occasion, one emotional outburst," Rapunzel spat in a low tone, hardly moving her lips but to let the words out, "was beyond your level of comprehension, Kovac. I don't suppose you've ever had your heart broken and let's face it - you never will - because you don't have a heart to break."

And with that, Punzie squared her shoulders, grabbed her messenger bag and book, and stormed out of the courtyard, blinking rapidly as she tried not to think. It would be best to put as much distance between her and her enemy as possible before someone got physically hurt.
Originally Posted by shifteh huffie
Amelia began to blink rapidly at the evergrowing tension between her teammate and the ravenclaws. Alright, so she may have involved herself too, but that wasn't important, right? Of course not. Besides, all she really wanted to do was to make some peace with the enemy before the Championship Game. And to have her whole team there too, would be a blessing. Yes, strong and fearless Hufflepuff captain was nervous.

She blinked at Juniper, who claimed she didn't mind being called Juni, but somehow she doubted the second year. For she was quite sure the girl was lying, but she didn't saying anything and just bit her lip. Not her business; nope. As long as there was no physical violence.

Of course Juniper agreed with her teammate about use of beater's bats. But she did have a point; no sense in being rude to someone who could easily take you out with their bat. Lost momentarily in her thoughts, she finally noticed Juniper was staring at her! EEK! Did the second year want to eat her!? But nope; she just said something quite simple. I'm not puny.

"I'll be the judge of that," Amelia replied nonchalantly, knowing it was no use arguing over something like size.

Turning her attention to Willow and Rapunzel, she sighed at their coldness towards one another. Honestly, why couldn't they just get along? Be civil with one another, at least. Truthfully though, if anyone was anti-social, she thought the Slytherin Prefect was far worse than Willow. Or maybe it was just her deeply embedded hatred towards the Slytherin; or the fact that they were always at odds with competing for points. Meh.

Shrugging it off, she brushed her own hair behind her ear, as Willow turned to her. Sure you wouldn't... she bit her lip to keep from saying outloud. "Of course I know the job of beater, Willow. I'm just saying. I don't want anyone hurt, not even your team." She stated matter-of-factly, lying slightly. If there was one person she did what injured, it was the Eagle Seeker, but she wouldn't dare admit that. As captain, she needed to show good sportsmanship, no matter what.

She smiled when Willow said she might let her buy her a butterbeer. "How about this Willow. Your team wins, I'll buy you a drink. My team wins, you buy," she replied smartly, giving her a wink. Amelia then frowned at description of normal, or mad insanities, that Willow began to give her and shook her head. "When did that happen? I mean, that wasn't this term... Besides, I simply meant that if Rapunzel is mentally unstable, then so is everyone else! Think about how we're all living right now, this term. The present. Forget about the past, you can't change it. You have to look at the present - and be there. Truly be there. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way. Make friends with those you never thought possible. Be open minded. Live. Love. Be happy." She started on this rather long rant, which she had no idea where it came from. "Your days at Hogwarts - or Belle's - are numbered. Before you know it, you'll be graduating and out in the real world.. Do you really want to be the girl who had a vengeance towards someone?"

Taking a deep breath, she was hardly believing what she had just said, but totally meant every word of it. Shockingly enough.

Rapunzel then seemed to freak out because she accidentally insinuated something about Tancred. Blushing, slightly she hadn't meant to confuse her housemate. "You did, but ... oh, okay then. You better not have meant that." She stated, keeping her focus on the fourth year badger.

Then with some carefully chosen words directed at Willow mostly, the fourth year stormed out of the courtyard. "Punz!" she called after her housemate. Turning back to look at the two Ravenclaws, she shook her head. "Now look what you've done, Willow." She stated, disapprovingly, "Bye Juniper." She said, as she adjusted her own messenger bag, before following her housemate out of the courtyard.
Originally Posted by Exeunt
Juniper glanced sideways at Willow just enough to give her a tiny sarcastic smile. “Oh, I’d much prefer it if you kept calling me Juniper,” she said quieter than usual, so only anti-nature girl would hear. “It is my name, after all. I’d rather have someone who so hates animals call me by my proper name. Hmph. It was bad enough people like Issy called her ‘Juni’. There was no way anti-nature girl was calling her that, as well.

And then anti-nature girl sided with her, and Juniper’s attention was completely diverted from the Hufflepuffs. Kovac, defending her and agreeing with her? What in Merlin’s beard was going on here? A grateful smile was directed in toward the third year. She wouldn’t thank the girl out loud, but surely the older girl would sense the grateful vibes.

Juniper blinked as Rapunzel suddenly left. She just… left. Without any explanation at all. The Ravenclaw looked at Amelia for an explanation, only to be called puny yet again, though with different words.

And then Amelia left. Juniper was taken aback by the older girl’s abrupt goodbye. Her response was mainly instinctual.

“Er… bye?”

And then the seventh year was gone. The atmosphere in the courtyard seemed… significantly different without Amelia, and Juniper looked at her feet, at the sky, at the far reaches of the courtyard. She was looking, in fact, anywhere but at Kovac. Now that they were alone, the second year did not want to make eye contact. Perhaps it would be best to leave.

“Ehh… bye, Willow,” Juniper squeaked. She scuttled to collect her book from where it had fallen when she landed on Rapunzel. A quick half-wave, and the thirteen-year-old hurried from the courtyard.
And then Willow left after that, too. I love how they all ended up blaming her. -Pets my girl- xD

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