Originally Posted by
Thornton "I'm NOT BLODDY INSANE!" He yelled at the student, snapping he head back to Fabian " Just admit it...You did this on purpose." He said, pointing to his backside. 'You were just jealous that I got your job, because the minister likes me. AND I'LL POINT MY WAND WHERE I WANT!"
"You're acting like a bloody nutter," he muttered under his breath, is hand gripping his wand. Although, with the way the two men were talking, Kingston didn't take out his wand. He wants to see what'll happen... And if the Thorton tried to attack Professor Clark, Kingston was going to stun him.
Originally Posted by
Mamushkaleontti After sighing, he shot Bob a nod in agreement. He took a few steps forward, now he did say side by side that did not mean he'll act childlike and take a step right after Bob's. Now that was ridiculous. He rolled his eyes, ushered the Hufflepuff out of his office and left the room behind him, waiting right outside the door for Bob Thorton.
Kingston watched in disgust as professor Clark was resorted to standing up and being threatened. This wasn't right, he thought. He had to... keep an eye for Thorton. Professor Clark didn't have a wand.