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Old 08-15-2008, 08:09 PM
Zellanna Zellanna is offline
Default [Cooper's] Herbology Lesson Two

Erikson walked around the classroom, inspecting the various plants. As usual, they were all in the best shape. There was something anxious to him as he did so, gazing at the plants as though it were his last time seeing them. Something weighed heavily on his mind and it was becoming obvious. With a deep sigh he continued his inspections as he waited for the students to arrive.

A sign at the front of the classroom read "Herbology Lesson Two: Leaving a Lasting Impression"

He released and resheathed his wand multiple times. Most would see it as a nervous habit, though it was never something he'd done before. In truth, it felt immensely good to hold a wand again, and he was going to mess with it all that he could.