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Old 08-14-2008, 11:17 PM   #106 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by EmmaRiddle View Post
They have to think of their shareholders and what it means for them if their profits take a nosedive because they have no major release for summer '09. It's not about making more money, it's about making the most of a bad situation.
I agree. However, obviously it's still a financial decision. But lets be realistic people, Warner Brothers is a major corporation. Without major financial backing from stock holders, the HP films would be half as good as they are.

I'm wondering if this was the reason for the distinct lack of publicity the film received up until recently. They must have had this in the works for a while.
I think that is exactly why we waited so long for something. A few people predicted this, and I didn't listen. I joked about it, but they had a better idea than I did.

Twilight is popular undoubtedly but I really don't see it scaring Warner Brothers
Exactly. Twilight has to find a larger audience than just it's fanbase, and I don't know if it will have large enough appeal for non-readers. It may, but considering how well OotP did against the competition last summer (and that included the Simpsons Movie, which came out onle 10 days after the release), Twilight wasn't going to hurt us too much, unless HBP was very bad.
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