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Old 08-14-2008, 10:52 PM   #87 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
ok peeps relax. i know everyone is upset by this (Merlin knows i still am), but they did say why they're delaying it-- albeit they sugar coated it to the point that it sounds like BS

in other words: WB is in danger of great financial loss in 2009, so we need Harry Potter to bail us out.

thats it plain and simple.

looking at the lineup WB has for 2009, the only movies that optimistically looks to make money would be Watchmen (March 2009) and Terminator Salvation (May 2009), other than those two, no other WB movie completed are sure to make money and most projects are are stuck in development hell (thanks to the strike). even if Watchmen and Terminator turns out to be monster hits the size of The Dark Knight or Spiderman, WB's overhead is so huge they'd wind up with a loss anyway. so they need another sure fire hit at the most lucrative movie season to make them end the year in the black: Harry Potter.

yes it sucks. yes it makes you wanna go AK on the WB head honchos. but Harry Potter, just like everything else WB owns, is an investment, and they will place it anywhere they see fit that will make the most money.
Good post. As much as this stings, it makes sense financially for WB. There have already been a few reports that Terminator: Salvation may bomb. Watchmen looks good, but knowing the ending, it may not do well with critics and general movie fans.

Warner doesn't need HP money this year, they need it next year. Capitalism: I hate it, but I love it.
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