Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Cale chuckled at the completely ridiculous debate that he and Tanc were coming up with at the moment. "But some animals have totally different anatomical structures compared to humans--there could be unknown risks that we have yet to discover. And has anyone cared to look into these possible dangers? No, because they're animals and no one seems to care about their feelings," he countered. Goodness, if they were going to be seriously graded on this, he and Tanc were going to fail. Big time.
"Maybe the Courtyard after this class or something," he added with a nodd, looking at Richardson once more. That man had been awfully quiet for the whole lesson.
The seventh year couldn't help but smile. Why did he even bother coming to Transfiguration class if all they were going to do was debate? I mean, come on! Debating was for Ministry of Magic employees who had no life at all. Even though he was sure that they would be graded
somehow on how well or not so well their debate was going. So far, the two of them had made some really good points. Hopefully that was enough to get them out of that Troll grade. Not that it mattered of course. Richardson had no idea what he was doing. If only Professor Pierce were here instead and there was no school separation deal ...
"That's the thing with you people! You don't see the point!" Tancred said, trying hard to sound like he was really into this whole debating thing. He winked at Cale and tried to hold back the laughter that was just dying to burst out of him.
"The unknown risks have been thought about. Why else do you think that animal transfiguration is allowed to this very day? It clearly does not harm the animal being casted on. Tests have shown that the animal in question comes back just the same as it had before and had shown no signs that it was in any danger at all. ... Really! What is the point in having a class called Transfiguration when you'd have nothing but simple objects to work with? Clearly the animal wouldn't be in any danger if the transfiguration spell has been casted correctly by a person who knows what they are doing - and those who don't know what they're doing shouldn't be in such a class or know how to do such magic if they can't take the responsiblilty to be safe and care for the animal." Pointless debate. I'm telling you ... completly pointless. "Alright," Tancred whispered.
"After class in the courtyard. Sounds like a good place to talk about this Order." He nodded his head and also looked at Richardson.
Looks to be like a little someone's a little bored.