Big Tuna | Booger | Team Men | Chris's SS!BFAM | Jules says I'm RAD | #Superman | Dustbin
Ryan reacted quickly to Professor Kapoor and snatched the deck out of the air. His quidditch reactions had really helped him for situations like this.
He quickly pulled out his wand, muttered a charm to clean his hands, and returned his wand to it's place in his robes.
As soon as he did so, he raised his hand and said, "The only ones that come to mind are the Major and the Minor Arcana. Do those count? I'm not even sure if those are different decks. There is the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, as well. This is where I start getting confused though."
He looked back down at the deck, flipping it over in his hands and examining each card carefully.
He had an idea, though, and pulled out a book he had rented from the library. He flipped through, looking for decks. Once he had found a few, he started naming them off. "There's also the Tarot de Marseilles, Minchiate, Tarocchi di Alan, Tarot de la Nature, a deck by Etteilla, whatever that means, Thoth Tarot, Golden Dawn Tarot, Paul Foster Case's B.O.T.A. Tarot, and.....WOW. There really are a lot of decks. I don't even want to read them all off, there are so many."
Last edited by cake.ninjak; 08-14-2008 at 07:19 AM.