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Old 08-13-2008, 10:19 AM   #62 (permalink)
expectopatronum 99
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Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
well to me, i welcome that they've started adding DH stuff into HBP. thats the problem with HBP the book, although its storyline about the half blood prince is interesting, if you step back and look at the entire saga of Harry Potter from books 1 to 7, HBP felt like it was a waste of page leaves because Harry basically achieved nothing in terms of what he has to accomplish for DH, and in turn the DH book felt cramped and rushed despite its 700++ pages.
Couldn't agree more - if it wasn't for Draco, Quiditch and H/G sub plots in the HBP book it would have been a bit boring but wouldn't have progressed the story at all except giving a lot of background info. DH despite being called the endless camping trip by some is still quite hectic tying up 7 books worth of plot lines.
Just because the PS/SS & COS books were short enough to be screenplays doesn't mean that all subsequent books can be or should be translated to film verbatim.

I'm not the Half Blood Prince?
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