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My question is and even though I am Gryffindor, why did not Cale( Lissy LongBottom) or Anna ( MuggleBornWitch3) not lose any points or get detention for talking back to a professor who happens to be a a ministry professor- Thonton.? Jason asks. I think that is worse than casting a spell which happened to me and you know the rest." Jason told him. Also Irial ( NightShadows) went to the girls side and did not get punished" Jason said. "Others get suspended and I am completely baffled." Jason continued. "So again how come no loss of points or detention from him, either" Jason told Professor Clark. " I just feel picked on by the teachers and no one else gets in trouble in Gryffindor but me" Jason said.
"The favor I have to ask is being the Quidditch captain next season "Jason told the professor. " I know I can make the team more competetive than it was this year" Jason told the Professor. " I watched the practices and I seem to think the captain is too rough on them and I would encourage the team" Jason told him. " I have to ask you because I was not on the team this year and I know it was due to the actions of last term in the RavenClaw game" Jason told Professor Clark. ( Computer screwed up) I ended up almost hitting the seeker, the captain and was thrown off the team last year." Jason keps talking. "This not making the team was hard to take because I went from sub to starter and we did win the Quidditch cup when I played as a starter at beater" Jason told him. " I know that Anna is not the best seeker, she is better at keeper and Tori( MarfaMarfa) is a better seeker, so their may be others out of position, too" Jason tells him. "The captain also got sick and instead of leaving practice to another player, it was canceled" Jason kept talking. " I would have made practice or gave it up to someone who could run practice for me" Jason continued. " I know that I am a better player than most on the Quidditch team and I believe we could have won our game" Jason told Professor Clark " I believe unless I am madr captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, my playing days are over for good. " Can you please help me on both accounts?" Jason asks Professor Clark.
"Thank you for your time" Jason tells the professor.
Last edited by Jason Potter Weasley; 08-13-2008 at 03:11 PM.