Update... Magnificent Malfoy Weasleyed: By the Twins
Classes passed slowly throughout the day. Hermione found that she could not concentrate on anything. All she could think about was Draco, and how he had changed so much. She wandered behind the others as classes filed out of classrooms, flooding into the halls. Holding her books she slowly made her way behind them, only to be pushed into a wall by a Slytherin, making her books fall onto the floor.
"Watch where you're going, Mudblood."
Hermione looked up as the Slytherin snickered at her fallen form.
"Hey, look everyone! Looks like little Hermione has fallen and can't get up. What should we do to help her?" he said smuggly.
A group of Slytherins had formed around her, crossing their arms and some pulling out their wands.
"Hey! Leave her alone."
The group looked up to the voice. Some backed away and started making their way back down the hallway. Others just stood in amazement. Draco walked casually over to the group, his hair shiney and his skin back to the normal colors. He looked healthy...and angry. He walked over to the second year boy that had started the commotion and grabbed him by the collar.
"I believe you own her an apology."
"And why should I do that? She's just a no good, dirty Mudblo-"
Draco slapped the boy across the face and pressed him against the wall.
"I said, APOLOGIZE."
The boy looked down at Hermione and then looked back at Draco. He panicked and quickly said an apology.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"
Draco threw the boy down and wiped his hands on his robes.
"Good. Now get gone."
The boy got up and ran down the hall and around the corner.
Draco bent down and started picking up books and loose papers that had scattered on the ground.
"You should be more careful. What with your condition."
"How do you know about that?"
"I'm not stupid, Granger. I know when a girl is pregnant."
"Then..then why did you call me a Mudblood? And that you couldn't trust me?"
"I would have thought that that part would have been obvious. You cheated on me with..Potter."
Draco scrunched his face and turned away. Tears were forming in his eyes. He turned back when Hermione had begun giggling.
"Why is this funny to you?"
"You-you think that this is Harrys' child?"
Hermione burst out laughing and gently took Draco's hand in hers.
"Draco. This is your child."
Draco's eyes grew wide and he stared at her in disbelief.
"Yes. Why would you think that it was Harrys?"
"Well, he never said anything otherwise. Oh, Hermione. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it when I called you a Mudblood. I just got so angry an-"
Hermione cut Draco off with a kiss. Draco sighed and fell into Hermione. His thoughts about the mission were blown out of his mind and all he concentrated on was Hermione. Hermione, though, couldn't help but think about Harry. 'Why would he not tell me the whole story?'
That's all for now. I'll post again soon!!
Reviews = love!
xo, Padfoot |