Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus An Experiment 11. Expecto Patronum
He walked along the school grounds, keeping an eye out for the dark hoods of the guards. The Dementors were everywhere, what with Sirius Black still on the loose, and Draco wasn’t at all sure he wanted to run into one.
“Come on, if Scarhead could do it, so can you,” Blaise read his friend’s worried expression easily, and sought to reassure him. Besides, the dark-haired Slytherin had never seen a Patronus up close – excluding the one Potter had sent at them during the Quidditch game the day earlier. He wanted to see one, badly, and he wanted to see if Draco could actually perform the spell.
They could find no Boggart to practice on, and so had chosen to take a walk.
One which ended up with a hooded companion right opposite them.
“OK, here it goes!” Draco muttered, narrowing his eyes as he recalled the moment when he received his first broom, on his ninth birthday. Flight had always been his passion.
“Expecto Patronum!” he yelled, directing his wand at the monster approaching them.
A silvery bat flew at the Dementor, blinding the two boys. When they opened their eyes again, the guard was gone.
Last edited by Paintbrush; 08-11-2008 at 06:14 PM.