Originally Posted by
D.A Forever

First, I have to say I'm sorry about your nightmares

but, this is AMAZING so far! I love it MJ!

It's already got me hooked! I need to know more *Giggles* PAMS when you can <33

Very, very nice MJ!


It's okay, I been having a lot of nightmares lately, but they are just nightmares nothing big right? Thank you so much and don't worry you will know more.
As soon as I had written the last sentence was on the paper, I put my pen down and began to think. If there was a way to get a list of the victims could i prove the muggles wrong, maybe just maybe some of them were already wizards with powers. I looked outside my window and saw them coming. Who was them? Well they were a secret police. At least that's what i called them. I had read muggle history and read about the war with the holocaust. Now that I though about it, this was the same thing, but the only difference was that every single muggle was against the witches and wizards and we weren't killed right away, at least not the children. I couldn't say the same for the adults. Anyway, they had another name, but I rather not repeat it, Secret Police was better in my opinion. I picked up my pen once more and it began to write.
All the muggles cared about was that they were all muggles; normal people who had jobs, went to school and had family. Some of the deceased were children. Actually now that I think back on it, most of the victims were children between the ages of 9-11. Children who could possibly had been muggle borns.
There were some adults, but they were elderly people, and the muggles didn't seem to care much for them, it was children that drove them the most. Being aware of magic some how made the humans immune to spells, enchantments, curses, illusions and charms. The only spell that couldn't be blocked was the most deadly curse. No one was able to explain why. Many people are looking into that, but so far no one has an answer. Not even a hypothesis.
Grown adults are taken to a small island, no one is aware of what they do except a couple of people, but they don't say anything on the matter. All that is know is that once they go to that island, they no longer exist. Some of the children have nightmares, or premonitions, they rather not discuss it.Now children, are allowed to stay with the muggles, they are not considered a threat. At least not until we reach 13 or even 12 and we still want to use magic. Or refuse to give up our wand.
Now to the subject of wands. Wands are destroyed when the child reaches 12 unless they use their magic to help destroy the adult wizards or use it to help the muggle community with sicknesses etc. There are some adult wizards who are alive trying to make sure we live, that our kind does not get destroy completely. We call them whitelighters, because they bring hope and light into our dark and gloomy reality. If we were to find out how to destroy the hate and find a way to fix it, but it seems impossible. at this point.
One of the little kids began to tug at the end of my dress.
"Akari, there coming again, they going to take Jason."
I looked at little Alex and hid my journal.
"Don't worry Alex, Jason is going to give up his magic, he's going to be fine."
He looked at me and I felt ashamed for lying, but me and Jason had already spoken of what was going to happen and what I had to tell the children. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. Alex wiped his tears away.
Many of the children had lost there parents it was the job of the older kids to take care of them, but now they were a few of us left, three in fact.Not including Jason, but technically I was the oldest. I was the mother for now.
I looked at Jason and nodded. We all silently waited, some of us holding on our dear lives.