Originally Posted by Alice
Reese are you sure you hit him he might be pretending but i'm happy no more Malfoy ..Good girls Sabrina and Reese bye bye Death eaters ...bye bye Malfoy. Now what are we going to do with the bodys? well i'm sure you'll come up with something.
Sabrina you right what was i thinking A finger it should have been a flack of skin
P.S is this the end of the story???
Um.The next post I'm writing will be the last post for this story
Originally Posted by Jemma...AND Sabrina
Okay do you know what would be really scary? If that really wasn't Malfoy, if it was another deatheater who had taken polyjuice potion. And then Malfoy was actually- *gets slapped* ouch!
Shut up Jem! Don't give Cat ideas!! Cat, she's just rambling. Had too much fun shopping today. Just ignore her.
Uh, yeah, great post!!! Now all they have to do is rescue Alex and Derek!!! Yay!!!!!
jemma & sabrina
Yes,I am just going to ingnore Jemma this time,Sabrina....