Chapter 20
The Burrow came into view and Ginny looked up. “Back already?” She had been resting her head on Harry's shoulder and looking at her necklace.
“Yeah, and just in time for dinner” Harry said smiling as the car pulled into the driveway. Ginny started laughing and sat up straight. They climbed out of the car and started to walk towards the backdoor when they heard a clatter from above.
“HARRY!” They looked up to see Ron and Hermione hanging out a window, broad rins visible on their faces.
“Come downstairs” Ginny called back as sh placed her hand on the door handle. She didn't really want to shout for the whole village to hear.
They walked into the kitchen and Ginny perched herself on the counter as Harry lent up against it. Her hand raised to the chain around her neck while the other one searched for Harry's to pull him closer. As she found it, the door burst open to reveal Ron and Hermione. Hermione headed straight over to Ginny where she started talking quietly. Ron, however, walked over to Harry and and just stood there.
“What?” Harry said as he looked at his best friend who just smiled at him. “Whatever it was, I didn't do it!” Ginny heard this comment and started laughing.
“What is it?” Harry said again as he squeezed Ginny's hand softly. Ron looked at Harry once more and then signalled that they would talk outside. Harry was totally confused and scared at the same time. Wh wouldn't Ron talk in th same room as te girls? Was he going to shout at him? Ginny must of noticed something beause she bent down to his ear and whispered to him.
“It's okay. We'll be able to hear him if he shouts and I'll jinx him for it...” Harry laughed quietly as he kissed her cheek.
“Don't worry your pretty little head, I'll sort it out... And don't jinx him till we're at school. I don't want you expelled” Harry whispered back as he stood to leave with Ron. inny giggled and kissed hs cheek then turned to carry on talking to Hermione.
Ron was already walking through the doorway as Harry started walking towards it. As he reached it, he turned to see Ginny and Hermione watching him. He winked and then walked through to where Ron stood waiting.
“What?” Harry said as he approached him. “Well...” Was all Ron gave him. Harry looked at Ron, a blank expression on his face. Ron sighed and contiuned. “How did it go?” Harry sighed in relief and smiled.
“Alright actually. Nothing out of the ordinary happened apart from where she almost suffocated me with happiness... I gave her the necklace today...” He added to remove the look of total confusion off Ron's face.
“Oh yeah. I saw it just now. So did you tell her?” Ron looked at Harry and guessed the answer from his face.
“I- I couldn't. It didn't feel right. She did say that she had always loved me since she first saw me and that she always would, but i couldn't tell her. I was going to but i changed my mind and didn't say anything. I might wait until it feels right” Harry confessed. Ron knew what he was talking about. Knew exactly what he felt.
“Don't worry about it. You might want to start worrying about it if you haven't said anything to her before school starts though. Just in case any boys get the wrong idea” Ron said with a serious look on his face, which didn't last long as it broke and gave way to a smile. Harry smiled back and decided to change the subject from him and Ginny.
“Have you told Hermione yet?” At these words, Ron's smile vanished, his ears turned red and his face slowly turned a pinky colour.
“Told her what? I haven't got anyhing to tell her... Why would you say that? I don't th- Is it that obvious?” He said as Harry raised an eyebrow. When he nodded, Ron fell into a chair and covered his face with his hand. “I wanna tell her but she might not like me the same way...” He said to his fingers.
“Look, Ginny and Hermione are close, so i could get Gin to talk to Hermione and then what she finds out, I'll tell you” Harry said as he sat down next to Ron. hen he nodded, Harry rasped his shoulder. “Oh lighten up! Dinners nearly done and your mums doing pie again!” This seemed to cheer Ron up and he laughed.
“Right, well, I'm oing upstairs so that I'm nowhere where mum can rope me into helping with dinner. See you later” And with that, Ron made his way to the stairs and climbed out of sight.
Knowing that the girls would eventually walk past the living room, Harry waited on the couch. He thought about what him and Ron had just talked about and how he was going to convince Ginny to et Hermione to confess about how she felt for Ron. He knew Ron was right about the boys at school. Ginny was popular with them but she was his. He needed to tell her soon but didn't know how. After all, he was only 15. Well, nearly. He knew that if he said it all at once it would be over whelming, so he decided to scale it down. He had already given her the necklace, so he might as well wait until her birthday for the next step. Then, it was up to fate to decide what happened after that.
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |